What is Kidney Cancer?

Kidney cancer is the type of cancer that occurs when the healthy cells in the kidneys (one or both) change and grow out of control. Men are twice as likely as women to develop kidney cancer. Generally, male individuals at the age of 50 and over carry the risk of kidney cancer. However, kidney cancer can be diagnosed at any age including in children.

Kidney cancer begins with the kidneys forming a mass called a renal cortical tumor. This tumor can be cancerous, indolent, or non-cancerous. When a tumor is found to be malignant (in other words cancerous) then it carries the risk of growth and spread to the other organs.

Kidney cancer increases as individuals get older. Other risk factors that may cause kidney cancer include hypertension, obesity, inherited syndromes, and a family history of kidney cancer. Bad habits such as smoking also carry the risk of kidney cancer. 

What are the Symptoms of Kidney Cancer?

Kidney cancer usually has no signs or symptoms in the early stages. As the disease is asymptomatic it is important to go on a regular check-up each year. In time, when cancer grows larger the individuals may develop signs and symptoms such as; 

  • Blood in the urine, 
  • Persistent pain in the back or side,
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Tiredness
  • Fever

Treatments for Kidney Cancer in Turkey (Türkiye)

Kidney Cancer treatments in Turkey (Türkiye) are highly developed. The initial treatment option for kidney cancer is surgery. Removing the cancerous tissue without giving harm to normal kidney function is the main aim of kidney surgeries in Turkey. 

If the cancerous tissue is confined to the kidney, the surgery will be enough but if the cancerous tissue has spread beyond the kidney then the surgeon will recommend additional treatments. 


In the early stages of kidney cancer, nonsurgical treatment options like heat and/or cold therapies may be considered instead of surgery. Nonsurgical kidney Cancer treatments in Turkey are performed by freezing (cryoablation) or heating (radiofrequency ablation) the cancer cells. Both of the treatments target to minimize and slow down the growth of the cancer cells. 

In advanced kidney cancers as we said before surgery is the first option. To prevent the cancerous tumor from spreading to the other parts of the body, removing the affected kidney (nephrectomy) or removing the tumor from the kidney (partial nephrectomy) will help to control cancer. 

When the cancer is not able to be removed completely then, after the surgery the surgeon may recommend “Radiation therapy”. Radiation therapy may also be planned before the surgery. 

Targeted therapy and Immunotherapy are other options that have effective outcomes in cancer treatments including kidney cancer. 

Targeted drug treatment aims to focus on the abnormalities that take place in the cancer cells. The treatment is aimed to kill the cancer cells with the targeted drugs. 

Immunotherapy focuses on increasing the immune system to fight the cancer cells.

 For further information and treatment please contact…

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